We Were Featured on JCK's Blog!

Sep 29, 2017


On September 1st, Emili Vesilind, a JCK Magazine Editor, featured us in a blog post on their website as part of her Retail Details Segment. The title of the post was "Trend File: High-Glam Silver Makes Its Mark" and also featured a photograph of Katy Perry. We're very excited to be associated with Ms. Perry in the post and to have our pieces be recognized as on trend in the silver category. This post talks about noticing these "high-glam" silver pieces all over the VMA's red carpet on some of the biggest names in music and more white gold focused pieces are starting to catch up with ever so popular yellow gold. According to Emili, streamlined silver pieces with subtle embellishment is the key to hitting this trend right on the nail and that's why they decided to showcase our Channel Collection Trinity bracelet as a favorite piece. The bracelet is made of sterling silver that lines channel set stones and can come in a variety of colors. It is super modern, elegant, and of course glamorous. Thanks again Emili and JCK Magazine!!


KIR Channel Trinity Bracelet in White Topaz


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